Jens Segers on

Tilde and caret version constraints in Composer

Recently, Composer changed their default version constraint from using ~ (tilde) to ^ (caret). Luckily for you, my friend Hannes Van De Vreken wrote a great article about the difference between the two:

There are also some syntactic sugar operators like ~ (tilde) and ^ (caret).

  • ~4.1.3 means >=4.1.3,<4.2.0,
  • ~4.1 means >=4.1.0,<5.0.0 (most used),
  • ~0.4 means >=0.4.0,<1.0.0,
  • ~4 means >=4.0.0,<5.0.0.

The caret sign is slightly different:

  • ^4.1.3 (most used) means >=4.1.3,<5.0.0,
  • ^4.1 means >=4.1.0,<5.0.0, same as ~4.1 but:
  • ^0.4 means >=0.4.0,<0.5.0, this is different from ~0.4 and is more useful for defining backwards compatible version ranges.
  • ^4 means >=4.0.0,<5.0.0 which is the same as ~4 and 4.*.


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