Getting device information from your visitors
Mobiledetect is awesome, but it doesn't extract information for desktop devices and browser. So I decided to create my own package that extends Mobiledetect; meet the Agent .
Mobiledetect is awesome, but it doesn't extract information for desktop devices and browser. So I decided to create my own package that extends Mobiledetect; meet the Agent .
Installing and configuring Postfix or Exim often feels like rocket science to get everything set up without any security holes. But those days are over; meet the awesome Nullmailer + Mandrill combo!
The PHP League just released version 2 of their dependency injection container, and this is why you should be excited.
For me, Laravel's Blade templating engine is one of the best templating engines I have ever used. But wouldn't it be nice to use Blade outside of a Laravel project?
Wait, nano has syntax highlighting? Why did I not know this?
Laravel 5.1 was released this week, and it came with a lot of interesting goodies. One of those goodies was the addition of Symfony's progress bar support for console commands. I have a lot of commands that ...
Decent error logging is one of the most important things when it comes to building applications. It is so unprofessional when a client calls you about a bug and you have no idea what he is talking about. Wouldn't ...
Recently, Composer changed their default version constraint from using ~ (tilde) to ^ (caret). Luckily for you, my friend Hannes Van De Vreken wrote a great article about the difference between the two:
Recently I wrote a blog post and gave a talk at about id obfuscation and how it can help hide your application internals from malicious users. While doing some research about other obfuscation techniques, ...
The first time I read about yield in PHP was in the PHP 5.5 changelog back in 2013. Actually, I did not really give it that much attention, since I thought it was not that big of deal at the time. It wasn't ...
If you have ever used Laravel 4, you have probably seen the following Whoops error screen÷
Be sure to check out my new blog post about id obfuscation with Optimus .
SensioLabs' Security Checker is a command line tool that checks if your application uses dependencies with known security vulnerabilities. Adding this to an existing project to automatically scan your composer file is really easy.
Attribute casting is a new feature of Laravel's Eloquent model that was recently added without really getting much attention (yet). So what does it do, and how can you use it?
I recently discovered perceptual image hashes when I was in charge of removing thumbnails from a large set of images. Perceptual hashes are a completely different concept compared to the usual cryptographic hashing ...